Two more contestants have joined the e-reader showdown, ViewSonic's VEB620 and VEB625, and while the Plain Jane styling on these two won't score very well in either the evening dress or swimsuit competitions, they could do just in the talent show portion thanks to native compatibility with PDF, along with ePub, RTF, and plain text. They also sport orientation sensors, so that content will automatically rotate on the 6-inch, 800 x 600 E-Ink screens, and offer 2GB of internal storage with SD expansion. At .24kg they weigh a little less than the latest Kindle (which weighs in at about .29kg), though they're 2mm thicker (11 here vs. 9) and only the VEB625 sports WiFi connectivity. In Europe, where these are apparently now available, the higher-end model will set you back £205 ($315), while the non-wireless 620 is £175 ($269) -- meaning they won't win the affordability competition either.
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