Sony’s Thinnest 9.9mm Bravia ZX1 TV

First seen in August last year the 40-inch Sony Bravia ZX1 LCD TVs’ (KLV-40ZX550A) thickest part measures 9.9mm and weighs 15kg. The TV’s picture quality is enhanced by Bravia Engine2 which supports full HD (1920×1080) resolution, Edge LED, 100MHz Motionflow and Image Blur reduction.

There are other features like Live Color creation, 24p Cinema, XMB (Xross Media Bar), Bravia Theatre Sync and Wireless HD. Wireless HD allows the TV to receive the content via the supplied HD media receiver. The wires and cables are connected to the media receiver and the TV wirelessly communicates with the receiver to display images.

But don't expect the Sony  Bravia ZX1 LCD TV to be cheap.
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