Microsoft has confirmed its Surface tablet will land alongside Windows 8 on October 26. Although the company had hinted at a simultaneous launch in the past, this is the first time they’ve actually confirmed a specific date. It should be noted that only the ARM-based Surface for Windows RT will be available at this time, as the Intel-based Surface Pro is slated to launch about three months later.
Microsoft has yet to officially announce pricing, too. During the official announcement back in June, the company only said that the Windows 8 Pro Surface will be competitive with ultrabooks (~$800+) and the Windows 8 RT Surface with ARM tablets (~$400-$600).
The tablet features a 10.6-inch Gorilla Glass display and is said to be the first PC with a vapor-deposited magnesium chassis, which is described by Microsoft as being "rigid" yet "light" and "natural in the hands." It features a seamlessly integrated kickstand that lets you rest the device on a table without an accessory, and Microsoft will offer two covers that double as keyboards to enable laptop-like usage.
Here’s the full rundown of the specs that have been revealed so far for each Surface model:
Surface for Windows 8 Pro | Surface for Windows 8 RT | |
OS | Windows 8 Pro | Windows 8 RT |
Screen | 10.6" 1920x1080 | 10.6" 1366x768 |
Processor | Intel Core i5 22nm | ARM-based Nvida |
Storage | 64GB, 128GB | 32GB, 64GB |
Thickness | 13.5mm (0.53") | 9.3mm (0.36") |
Weight | 903g (1.99lbs) | 676g (1.49lbs) |
Battery | 42Wh | 31.5Wh |
Connectivity | microSDXC, USB 3.0, Mini DisplayPort Video, 2x2 MIMO antennae | microSD, USB 2.0, Micro HD Video, 2x2 MIMO antennae |
Other | Pen support | |
Accessories | Touch Cover, Type Cover | Touch Cover, Type Cover |
Est. Price | ~$800+ | ~$400-$600 |
Repost from Techspot
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